Climate change is actually felt everywhere. In fact, there are wider coverage of it which includes all forms of media. However, there are still important stories that get missed or dismissed. The good thing is that media spend some of their time to show stories regarding pollution, endangered species or environmental sustainability.

Here are some of the best environmental stories that everyone should watch in 2022.

List of Environmental Stories to Watch in 2022

The following stories below are most likely ignored issues of the past. Yet, they are concerns that need to be attended with.

Critical Biodiversity

There is already an extinction of great numbers of species. Unfortunately, there is no expected slow down of this problem this year. But, government are trying to do their best to solve this issue.

Expecting the Extremes

Extreme weather is generally felt all over the globe. There are hail storms now and then there are wildfires immediately afterwards. In average, there are about 7 events of weather changes in the US. But, nowadays, there are already 16 of it. So, expect to see more of these changes in the coming years.

Messing Up with Plastic

More plastic wastes are generated in the year 2016 and the problem will still expect to continue. That’s why it is very important to keep an eye on this issue.